Search code examples

Simple MongoDB Aggregation

I'm a bit confused on how to group using aggregation but still be able to extract specific values from arrays:

    {   "$unwind": f"${stat_type}" },
        "$group": {
            "_id": "$userId",
            "value" : { "$max" : f"${stat_type}.stat_value" },
            "character" : f"${stat_type}.character_name", <-- how do I extract this value that matches where the $max from above is grabbed.
    { "$sort": { "value": -1 }},
    { '$limit' : 30 }

Sample Entries:

  'name' : "Tony",
  'userId' : 12345,
  'damage_dealt' : [
    "character_name" : "James", 
    "stat_value" : 100243
  'name' : "Jimmy",
  'userId' : 12346,
  'damage_dealt' : [
    "character_name" : "James",
    "stat_value" : 1020243
  'name' : "Tony",
  'userId' : 12345,
  'damage_dealt' : [
    "character_name" : "Lebron",
    "stat_value" : 99900243

A sample output for what I'm looking for is below:

    'user' : 'Tony'
    'character_name' : 'Lebron', 
    'stat_value' : 99900243 
    'user' : 'Jimmy'
    'character_name' : 'James', 
    'stat_value' : 1020243 


  • You can use the $top accumulator to achieve the desired result. Like this:

        "$unwind": "$damage_dealt"
        "$group": {
          "_id": "$userId",
          "value": {
            $top: {
              output: {
                character_name: "$damage_dealt.character_name",
                stat_value: "$damage_dealt.stat_value"
              sortBy: {
                "damage_dealt.stat_value": -1
        "$project": {
          character_name: "$value.character_name",
          stat_value: "$value.stat_value"
        "$sort": {
          "stat_value": -1
        "$limit": 30

    Playground link.

    Or collects all the group elements in an array, and the max stat_value, then pick the object from the array containing the max stat_value.

        "$unwind": "$damage_dealt"
        "$group": {
          "_id": "$userId",
          "max_stat": {
            "$max": "$damage_dealt.stat_value"
          "damages": {
            "$push": {
              name: "$name",
              damage_value: "$damage_dealt"
        "$project": {
          "damages": {
            "$arrayElemAt": [
                "$filter": {
                  "input": "$damages",
                  "as": "damage",
                  "cond": {
                    "$eq": [
        "$project": {
          "character_name": "$damages.damage_value.character_name",
          "stat_value": "$damages.damage_value.stat_value",
          "name": "$"
        "$sort": {
          "stat_value": -1
        "$limit": 30

    Playground link.