I have the following lines that I've already formatted quite a bit, but I can't seem to figure out how to format these jagged lines so they are all in the correct position. I've been trying using macros and also using /s
but it just seems the tabs or spaces after the word is a bit different for each. What might be a good way to format this here?
You can select the entire part you want to format and then use the normal command
'<,'>s/\([^: ]\+\)[ ]*:[ ]*\([^: ]*\)/\=printf('%-8s%8s%s%8s%8s',submatch(1),' ',':',' ',submatch(2))/g
which will pad the result evenly around the :
You can select in vim
using v
then enter normal mode with esc
followed by entering command mode with :
. Paste the above line in command mode once the selection is made and hit enter.