What I'm trying to do is when I log in , it takes the token from the API and update it to the riverpod state provider so the user Future provider sends a get request to the API and get the data from the API and returns it , What my API does is whenever there's a token that means user is authenticated otherwise return a Guest user so everytime I login it returns me as a Guest user because the future provider doesn't read the token state provider
Future<LoginResponse?> logintoDjango() async {
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
String userToken = responseJson['data']['token'];
await CacheHelper.setString("token", userToken);
ref.read(userTokenProvider.notifier).update((state) => userToken); //Here how it updates
String getToken() {
final token = ref.watch(userTokenProvider);
if (token.isNotEmpty) {
return token;
return CacheHelper.getString("token") ?? '';
final userTokenProvider = StateProvider<String>((ref) => '');
final FutureProvider<UserData> userDataProvider =
FutureProvider<UserData>((ref) async {
final token = ref.read(authHelperProvider).getToken(); //THERE
final response = await client.get(
headers: token != '' ? {'Authorization': 'Token ${token}'} : {},
return UserData.fromJson(json.decode(response.body));
I tried calling
final token = ref.read(authHelperProvider).getToken();
on a different screen in the widget build and It returns the token correctly but it doesn't return it to the future provider
is my Shared preferences helper class
Fixed my question after reading the documentation, I've found that It should be ref.watch
instead of ref.read
and it worked , Thank you so much