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How to generate a html file from a markdown inputfile through command line argument

From the below part of a code I would like to generate an output in .html format from a given .md file through command line arguments

import os, argparse,
import configparser, webbrowser

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() 

parser.add_argument('--display', dest='display',action='store_true', help='displays the md file',default=None)
parser.add_argument('--inputmarkdown',type=argparse.FileType("r"),help='Provide the markdown file location')
parser.add_argument('--outputmarkdown', type = str, default = "./Output",help='Provide the output display file location')

args = parser.parse_args()

if args.display:
  ["pandoc", "--toc", "--standalone","--mathjax", "-t", "html", "--simple_tables", "args.inputmarkdown", "-o", "args.outputmarkdown", "--metadata", "pagetitle=test display"])
            url = "file://(args.outputmarkdown)"

Using the below command line arguments

python3 --display --inputmarkdown file/path/ --outputmarkdown /file/path/test/firsttest.html

The above doesn't perform the task and I just have the webbrowser open with file:/// Can someone suggest where the issue is?


  • The problem is probably with the url string. You are not formatting it. And the variables in the subprocess call are quoted.

    Try This

    import os, argparse,
    import webbrowser
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() 
    parser.add_argument('--display', dest='display', action='store_true', help='displays the md file', default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--inputmarkdown', help='Provide the markdown file location')
    parser.add_argument('--outputmarkdown', default="./Output", help='Provide the output display file location')
    parser.add_argument('--pagetitle', dest='pagetitle', default='test display')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    if args.display:["pandoc", "--toc", "--standalone", "--mathjax", "-t", "html", "--simple_tables", args.inputmarkdown, "-o", args.outputmarkdown, "--metadata", f"pagetitle={args.pagetitle}"])
        url = f"file://{args.outputmarkdown}",new=1,autoraise=True)