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XML deserialization failing from one webAPI and not another

My environment: Visual Studio 2010

I have 2 C# webAPI projects that return data to a VB client project.

API project #1: OrchardsAPI - returns lots of data perfectly.

API project #2: aspnetAPI - accesses the Microsoft aspnetdb database on my SQL server. Throws an exception when deserialized on the Client.

When I interrogate the API projects directly from my browser, the following is the first the first line each response. API#1 returns a list of cultivars used in my orchards. Note the xmlns values.

API #1:

<ArrayOfCultivarEntity xmlns:xsd=""

API #2:

<ArrayOfaspnet_RoleEntity xmlns:i="" xmlns="">

When accessed directly from a browser, a valid xml file is displayed with records from each API. However, when I get request the data from my Client, I get an exception stating that:

InnerException  {"<ArrayOfaspnet_RoleEntity xmlns=''> was not expected."}

The relevant code in my client is:

   Public Function GetAllRoles() As List(Of aspnetEntities.aspnet_RoleEntity)
        Dim _entities As New List(Of aspnet_RoleEntity)
            url = "role/byAppName/OrchardAutomation"
            responseMessage = client.GetAsync(url).Result
            If responseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode = True Then
                _entities = New Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(_entities.GetType).Deserialize(responseMessage.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync.Result)
                Return _entities
                Return Nothing
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            Return Nothing
        End Try
    End Function

I have searched for all instances of "xmlns" in both API projects and they are all identical. There must be something I'm missing. Any hints greatly appreciated.


  • Solved thanks to the following link: []

    Turns out my API #1 had the following code in the global.asax file:

    GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.XmlFormatter.MediaTypeMappings.Add(new QueryStringMapping("type", "xml", new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/xml")));
    GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.XmlFormatter.UseXmlSerializer = true;

    The aforementioned link noted that the datacontract serializer was the default and one had to add the code to switch to the xml formatter:

    var xml = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.XmlFormatter;
    xml.UseXmlSerializer = true;

    Which I put in the initialization section of my controller. That solved the problem. I then looked at the global.asax in API#1 and found the 3 lines in the app_start method. I inserted them into the app_start of API#2, removed the "var xml" lines from the initialization of the individual controller and the project continued to work perfectly.

    Hope this helps someone else!