my ask is something like this:
{{ config({ "materialized":'table', "post_hook":["dbt test -s model_name", "insert into {{ source('tgt_schema','tgt_table') }} select * from {{source('source_schema','source_tbl') }}" ]}) }}
I want to test model before inserting data into target table
No, this won't work the way you want it to:
dbt test -s model_name
will fail, since your database doesn't know what that meansThinking about ddl like insert
is typically a dbt antipattern. For a typical dbt model materialized as a table, dbt wraps your select statement in a create table as (...)
statement, which effectively "inserts" the data into a new table. The typical dbt workflow would build this new table, and then test the new table -- before you've built the table there isn't really anything to test.
I think what you probably want is something closer to a blue-green deployment, where you build your production tables in a new location (schema or database), test that deployment, and if the tests are successful, you swap in the newly-built tables for the old ones. This is a great pattern, although much more complex than a vanilla dbt deployment.
If you really want to test a query before materializing it, you can break that up into two models, and use the ephemeral
materialization on the first one. You can then test the first model before building the downstream one. (Note that this may be terrible from a performance standpoint, but ymmv).
So, for example, in model_one.sql
{{ config(materialized='ephemeral') }}
select my, complex, logic
from {{ ref('my_upstream_table') }}
Then you'd add tests in model_one.yml
version: 2
- name: model_one
- name: my
- not_null
Then in model_two.sql
{{ config(materialized='table') }}
select * from {{ ref('model_one') }}
Then at the command line,
$ dbt build
Will first run all of the tests against model_one
and then materialize it as a table by building model_two
This would also work fine if model_two
were an incremental
model, if you wanted to select a subset of your data using model_one
. But if you did that, you would lose the ability to use the is_incremental()
macro, and --full-refresh
would not work. In that case, I would probably hardcode the filter in model_one
and then repeat all of that logic again in model_two
{{ config(materialized='ephemeral') }}
select my, complex, logic
from {{ ref('my_upstream_table') }}
where my_timestamp > getdate() - interval '1 day'
Then in model_two.sql
-- we're no longer selecting from model_one,
-- so put a ref in a comment to make dbt think
-- it is downstream, so it only builds after
-- the tests run on model_one
-- {{ ref('model_one') }}
{{ config(materialized='incremental') }}
select my, complex, logic
from {{ ref('my_upstream_table') }}
{% if is_incremental() %}
where my_timestamp >= (select max(my_timestamp) from {{ this }})
{% endif %}