I'm trying to use Serilog with DI in my .NET 6 application. I have Serilog configured like this:
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
.MinimumLevel.Override("Microsoft", Serilog.Events.LogEventLevel.Information)
retainedFileCountLimit: 5,
rollingInterval: RollingInterval.Day)
and my generic Host using
IHostBuilder host = new HostBuilder().UseSerilog(Log.Logger).Build()
(configuration and service-addidtion not shown here for brevity).
In my service-classes I require an ILogger from the Microsoft.Extensions.Logging Package. Now, the Problem I have is that I get correct Logging to Debug from everywhere, but the File-Sink only logs when I use Serilogs Log.Debug() Method for example.
If I comment out the "UseSerilog()" on the Hostbuilder I get no logging in Debug also. So Injection of Serilog to ILogger seems to work.
Any Ideas whats happening here ?
So it turns out it was a rather stupid mistake (for anyone interested). Somehow I thought this was a good Idea:
try {
Log.Debug("Starting Hostbuild");
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Fatal(ex, "Hostbuild Failed unexpectedly");
Which of course reset my Serilog Logger (Log) to default after the Hostbuild
was done in BuildHost()
I think I read somewhere that you're supposed to call CloseAndFlush
at the end, but then changed where my "end" was...