Four total columns: Column A Part#, Column B Old Cost, Column C Part#, Column D New Cost
I need to match the two Part# columns (they are the same part numbers in a different order):
Once matched, compare the accompanying two columns of Costs
If the costs match, return MATCHED
If the costs are different, return the New Cost amount
Col A Part# Col B Old Price Col C Part # Col D New Price**
5555 $5.00 1111 $1.00
4444 $4.00 2222 $2.99
1111 $1.00 3333 $3.00
2222 $2.00 4444 $4.99
3333 $3.00 5555 $5.99
8888 $8.00 6666 $6.99
7777 $7.00 7777 $7.99
9999 $9.00 8888 $8.99
6666 $6.00 9999 $9.99
An example return:
Part# 1111 MATCH
Part# 2222 $2.99
Part# 7777 $7.99
Part# 3333 MATCH
Use VLOOKUP and compare the results: