If i started working on a feature from mainline and I make 1 commit. However, by the time i finish the mainline has been committed 5 more times.
Is it considered that I branched? even though i didn’t create a branch? if so, what would my branch be called? git status shows it still called mainline.
How do i sync to mainline. I read that rebase is the scenario i am in. when inrebase, it says rebase complete and up to date, however i do not see the latest changes of the other commits in my source code.
There is two branch the local one and the remote one, classic way and easy way is to name local and remote with the same name.
So in your case, you are in this situation
A---B---C---D---E mainline on the server
X---Y---Z mainline
but for your local git doesn't know the update on the server, it has this vision
X---Y origin/mainline
\---Z mainline
so all is ok, you local git needs to fetch the new status of origin/mainline
git fetch
will brink you in this situation on your local git
A---B---C---D---E origin/mainline
X---Y---Z mainline
Then you will be able to merge or rebase your branch:
A---B---C---D---E origin/mainline
/ \
X---Y---Z---------------M mainline
X---Y---A---B---C---D---E--Z' mainline
I recommend rebase in your case