I have been using Google Cloud with free trial account.
I was able to deploy Cloud Run builds from my Github repository. However, since I have started using a Google Cloud Kubernetes Cluster & Jobs using 2 VM in Google Compute Engine, the Cloud Run deployments have started failing :
Step #2 - "Deploy": gcr.io/google.com/cloudsdktool/cloud-sdk:slim
Step #2 - "Deploy": Deploying...
Step #2 - "Deploy": failed
Step #2 - "Deploy": Deployment failed
Step #2 - "Deploy": ERROR: (gcloud.run.services.update) spec.template.spec.containers[0].resources.limits.cpu: Invalid value specified for cpu. For the specified value, maxScale may not exceed 30.
Step #2 - "Deploy": Consider running your workload in a region with greater capacity, decreasing your requested cpu-per-instance, or requesting an increase in quota for this region if you are seeing sustained usage near this limit, see https://cloud.google.com/run/quotas. Your project may gain access to further scaling by adding billing information to your account.
Finished Step #2 - "Deploy"
ERROR: build step 2 "gcr.io/google.com/cloudsdktool/cloud-sdk:slim" failed: step exited with non-zero status: 1
How much CPU is required for succesful Cloud Run deployments ? Here is the Inline Cloud Run deployment yaml file :
- name: gcr.io/k8s-skaffold/pack
- build
- '--builder=gcr.io/buildpacks/builder:v1'
- '--network=cloudbuild'
- '--path=.'
id: Buildpack
entrypoint: pack
- name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker
- push
id: Push
- name: 'gcr.io/google.com/cloudsdktool/cloud-sdk:slim'
- run
- services
- update
- '--platform=managed'
- >-
- '--region=$_DEPLOY_REGION'
- '--quiet'
id: Deploy
entrypoint: gcloud
substitutionOption: ALLOW_LOOSE
_LABELS: gcb-trigger-id=xxxxxx-d5fd-47b7-8949-xxxxxxxxxx
_TRIGGER_ID: xxxxxx-d5fd-47b7-8949-xxxxxxxxxx
_DEPLOY_REGION: europe-west1
_GCR_HOSTNAME: eu.gcr.io
_PLATFORM: managed
_SERVICE_NAME: videoo-app-dev
_ENTRYPOINT: 'gunicorn -b :$PORT videoo.wsgi'
- gcp-cloud-build-deploy-cloud-run
- gcp-cloud-build-deploy-cloud-run-managed
- videoo-app-devs
What should be the approach here to recover backs successful deployments ?
Add in your args
or any amount less than 30