I have:
def pytorchConvolution(img, kernel):
dtype_inputs = torch.quint8
dtype_filters = torch.qint8
scale, zero_point = 1.0, 0
q_filters = torch.quantize_per_tensor(kernel, scale, zero_point, dtype_filters)
q_inputs = torch.quantize_per_tensor(img, scale, zero_point, dtype_inputs)
bias = torch.randn(8, dtype=torch.float)
which is used here:
blur_filter = (1/250)*np.ones([5, 5])
img_blurred_py = pytorchConvolution(img, blur_filter)
However, upon running this code, I get the following output, meaning PyTorch did not convert the tensor to FloatTensor
RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [190], in <cell line: 6>()
4 img_blurred = convolution(img, blur_filter)
5 img_blurred_c = convolutionImplantation(img, blur_filter)
----> 6 img_blurred_py = pytorchConvolution(img, blur_filter)
8 plt.axis("off")
9 plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
Input In [189], in pytorchConvolution(img, kernel)
9 dtype_filters = torch.qint8
11 scale, zero_point = 1.0, 0
---> 12 q_filters = torch.quantize_per_tensor(kernel, scale, zero_point, dtype_filters)
13 q_inputs = torch.quantize_per_tensor(img, scale, zero_point, dtype_inputs)
14 bias = torch.randn(8, dtype=torch.float)
RuntimeError: Quantize only works on Float Tensor, got Double
I have set the default_tensor_type to FloatTensor, and tried to convert to other Tensor Types, however, PyTorch does not convert the tensor to any type. I need to convert both the tensors to FloatTensor to quantize them.
The type
function does not operate in place:
In [2]: a = torch.tensor([1,2])
In [3]: a.dtype
Out[3]: torch.int64
In [4]: a.type(torch.FloatTensor)
Out[4]: tensor([1., 2.])
In [5]: a.dtype
Out[5]: torch.int64
You need to assign these back into the variable:
In [7]: a = a.type(torch.FloatTensor)
In [8]: a.dtype
Out[8]: torch.float32