I have a text file like so:
hello my name is [MYNAME], and i am of age [AGE].
i live in [COUNTRY].
i love to eat [FOOD]
and I am trying to replace whatever is in the square brackets with strings from a list example
// // name //country // age // food
p.Add(new Person("jack", "NZ", "20", "Prawns"));
p.Add(new Person("ana", "AUS", "23", "Chicken"));
p.Add(new Person("tom", "USA", "30", "Lamb"));
p.Add(new Person("ken", "JAPAN", "15", "Candy"));
so far I have tried the below function which I call inside a loop
static void Main(string[] args)
int count = 0;
foreach (var l in p)
FindAndReplace("template.txt","output"+count+".txt" ,"[MYNAME]",l.name);
FindAndReplace("template.txt","output"+count+".txt" ,"[COUNTRY]",l.country);
FindAndReplace("template.txt","output"+count+".txt" ,"[AGE]",l.age);
FindAndReplace("template.txt","output"+count+".txt" ,"[FOOD]",l.food);
//find and replace function
private static void FindAndReplace(string template_path,string save_path,string find,string replace)
using (var sourceFile = File.OpenText(template_path))
// Open a stream for the temporary file
using (var tempFileStream = new StreamWriter(save_path))
string line;
// read lines while the file has them
while ((line = sourceFile.ReadLine()) != null)
// Do the word replacement
line = line.Replace(find, replace);
// Write the modified line to the new file
this is what I have done. But the output I get is this
hello my name is [MYNAME], and i am of age [AGE].
i live in [COUNTRY].
i love to eat Prawns
hello my name is [MYNAME], and i am of age [AGE].
i live in [COUNTRY].
i love to eat Chicken
Only the last text is replaced.
instead of a function try doing something like this
static void Main(string[] args)
int count = 0;
foreach (var l in p)
using (var sourceFile = File.OpenText("template.txt"))
// Open a stream for the temporary file
using (var tempFileStream = new StreamWriter("output" + count + ".txt"))
string line;
// read lines while the file has them
while ((line = sourceFile.ReadLine()) != null)
line = line.Replace("[MYNAME]", l.name);
line = line.Replace("[COUNTRY]", l.country);
line = line.Replace("[AGE]", l.age);
line = line.Replace("[FOOD]", l.food);
}// end of while loop
}//end foreach loop
}//end of main