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Setting breakpoint on a class's member function in a file

(gdb) b breakpoints.cpp:X::X()

Can't find member of namespace, class, struct, or union named "breakpoints.cpp:X::X"
Hint: try 'breakpoints.cpp:X::X()<TAB> or 'breakpoints.cpp:X::X()<ESC-?>
(Note leading single quote.)
Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n]) n

on the following code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>

class X
        X   () 
            std :: cout << "\nIn the default constructor";

        X   (int) 
            std :: cout << "\nIn the parameterized constructor";

        ~X () {}

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    X xObjA;
    X xObjB (11);

    while (--argc > 0)
        printf("\n%s ", argv [argc]);
    std :: cout << std :: endl << std :: endl;

File's name is: breakpoints.cpp

What's the point that I am missing?


  • That is the correct way to set a breakpoint.

    You are either trying that on a wrong executable (put breakspoints.cpp in a directory and compile with g++ -g breakpoints.cpp and then use the gdb on the a.out executable), code that is different than posted and maybe having namespaces, or you stumbled on an old bug due to using an outdated gdb version.