I have a DataFrame in PySpark (version 3.1.2) which contains images:
img_path = "s3://multimedia-commons/data/images/000/24a/00024a73d1a4c32fb29732d56a2.jpg"
df = spark.read.format("image").load(img_path)
df.select("image.height", "image.width"
,"image.nChannels", "image.mode"
|-- image: struct (nullable = true)
| |-- origin: string (nullable = true)
| |-- height: integer (nullable = true)
| |-- width: integer (nullable = true)
| |-- nChannels: integer (nullable = true)
| |-- mode: integer (nullable = true)
| |-- data: binary (nullable = true)
|height|width|nChannels|mode| data|
| 260| 500| 3| 16|[00 00 00 00 00 0...|
I need to convert the image into a Numpy array to pass to a machine learning model.
The approach in https://stackoverflow.com/a/69215982/11262633 seems reasonable, but is giving me incorrect image values.
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark.ml.image import ImageSchema
from pyspark.ml.linalg import DenseVector, VectorUDT
import numpy as np
img2vec = F.udf(lambda x: DenseVector(ImageSchema.toNDArray(x).flatten()), VectorUDT())
print(f'Image fields = {ImageSchema.imageFields}')
df_new = df.withColumn('vecs',img2vec('image'))
row_dict = df_new.first().asDict()
img_vec = row_dict['vecs']
img_dict = row_dict['image']
width = img_dict['width']
height = img_dict['height']
nChannels = img_dict['nChannels']
img_np = img_vec.reshape(height, width, nChannels)
m = np.ma.masked_greater(img_np, 100)
m_mask = m.mask
args = np.argwhere(m_mask)
for idx, (r, c, _) in enumerate(args):
print(r, c, img_np[r,c])
if idx > 5:
46 136 [ 0. 13. 101.]
47 104 [ 1. 15. 102.]
47 105 [ 1. 16. 104.]
47 106 [ 1. 16. 104.]
47 107 [ 1. 16. 104.]
47 108 [ 1. 16. 104.]
47 109 [ 1. 15. 105.]
Here's a visualization of the image:
Desired Results
Reading the image using Pillow gives a different result:
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
img = Image.open('/home/hadoop/00024a73d1a4c32fb29732d56a2.jpg')
img_np = np.asarray(img)
m = np.ma.masked_greater(img_np, 100)
m_mask = m.mask
args = np.argwhere(m_mask)
for idx, (r, c, _) in enumerate(args):
print(r, c, img_np[r,c])
if idx > 5:
47 104 [101 16 9]
47 105 [103 16 9]
47 106 [103 16 9]
47 107 [103 16 9]
47 108 [103 16 9]
47 109 [104 15 9]
47 110 [105 16 10]
My question
Why are the images different, both in appearance, and when I read individual pixels?
Using np.asarray
on the bytes data returned by PySpark gave the same issue. Maybe PySpark is fine and there's just some error in my manipulations of the returned data. I've spent about 8 hours working on this. Thanks in advance for any insights you may have.
This is because spark uses
data: BinaryType (Image bytes in OpenCV-compatible order: row-wise BGR in most cases)
And Pillow is rendering it RGB.