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Google Cloud Platform limit the pricing

I have a budget X$, and I want to deploy my service in GCP, but I'm afraid to exceed this budget, is there any way to set the max that I will pay (X$) in case my services uses more than X$ resources.

I never used GCP, I want to decide now if I use it or not based on the answers I'll get.


  • Google doesn't offer it out of the box.

    The work around is to create alerts and then trigger custom code (like a cloud function) to shut down your project or disable billing. Note that you still run the risk of exceeding your budget since the alert might only get sent after you've already passed your budget.

    Find links below

    1. Google's own documentation to disable billing which in turn will shut down your project

    2. An implementation of the above (previous bullet point) from someone on Github

    3. A blog article from us on how to shut down your Google App Engine app when you exceed your budget (or get close to your budget)