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Testing connection out from within running container. Kubernetes. Amazon Linux 2

I am trying to test an outbound connection from within a Amazon Linux 2 container that is running in Kubernetes. I have a service set up and I am able to telnet to that service through a VPN. But I want to test a connection coming out from that container. Is there a way that this can be done. I have tried the ping, etc. but the commands all say "command not found"

Is there any command I can run that can test an outbound connection?


  • Please provide more context. What exact image are you running? When debugging connectivity of kubernetes pods and services, you can exec into the pod with

    kubectl exec -it <pod_name> -n <namespace> -- <bash|ash|sh> 

    Once you gain access to the pod and can emulate a shell inside, you can update + upgrade the runtime with the package manager (apt, yum, depends on the distro).

    After upgrading, you can install curl and try to curl an external site.