I need to compare array in MarkLogic with Xquery .
Query parameters:
"list": {
"bookNo": 13,
Sample Data:
I need to return "no" where all values from arraylist should be match with bookArray.
Ok. You do not explain if the actual data is in the system or not. So I did an example as if it is all in memory.
I chose to keep the sample in the MarkLogic JSON representation which has some oddities like number-nodes and array-nodes under the hood. To make it more readable if you dig into it, i used fn:data()
to get less verbose. In all reality, if this was an in-memory operation and I could not use Javascript, then I would have converted the JSON structures to maps.
Here is a sample to help you explore. I cleaned up the JSON to be valid and for my sample wrapped the three samples in a single array.
xquery version "1.0-ml";
let $param-as-json := xdmp:unquote('{
"list": {
"bookNo": 13,
let $list-as-json := xdmp:unquote('[
let $my-list := fn:data($param-as-json//BookArray)
return for $item in $list-as-json/*
let $local-list := fn:data($item//arrayList)
let $intersection := fn:data($item//arrayList)[.=$my-list]
where fn:deep-equal($intersection, $local-list)
return $item/no