I would like to write a Boost::Spirit::X3
parser to parse complex number with the following possible input format:
My best attempt so far is the following (Open on Coliru):
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3/support/utility/error_reporting.hpp>
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
struct error_handler {
template <typename iterator_t, typename error_t, typename context_t>
auto on_error(iterator_t& /* iter */, const iterator_t& /* end */, const error_t& error,
const context_t& context) {
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
const auto& handler = x3::get<x3::error_handler_tag>(context).get();
handler(error.where(), "error: expecting: " + error.which());
return x3::error_handler_result::fail;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace ast {
template <typename T>
struct complex_number {
T real;
T imag;
operator std::complex<T>() {
return {real, imag};
} // namespace ast
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(ast::complex_number<double>, real, imag);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace parser {
const auto pure_imag_number = x3::attr(0.) > x3::double_ > x3::omit[x3::char_("ij")];
const auto pure_real_number = x3::double_ > x3::attr(0.);
struct complex_class : error_handler {};
const x3::rule<complex_class, ast::complex_number<double>> complex = "Complex number";
static const auto complex_def = ('(' > (x3::double_ > -(x3::double_ > x3::omit[x3::char_("ij")])) >> ')')
| pure_imag_number
| pure_real_number;
} // namespace parser
// =============================================================================
void parse(const std::string& str) {
using iterator_t = std::string::const_iterator;
auto iter = std::begin(str);
auto end = std::end(str);
boost::spirit::x3::error_handler<iterator_t> handler(iter, end, std::cerr);
const auto parser = boost::spirit::x3::with<boost::spirit::x3::error_handler_tag>(
std::complex<double> result{};
if (boost::spirit::x3::phrase_parse(iter, end, parser, x3::space, result) && iter == end) {
std::cout << "Parsing successful for:' " << str << "'\n";
} else {
std::cout << "Parsing failed for:' " << str << "'\n";
int main() {
for (const auto& str : {
}) {
return 0;
Which gives the following results when running the compiled code (with GCC 12.1.1 and Boost 1.79.0):
Parsing successful for:' (1+2j)'
Parsing successful for:' (3+4.5j)'
Parsing successful for:' 1.23j'
In line 1:
error: expecting: N5boost6spirit2x314omit_directiveINS1_8char_setINS0_13char_encoding8standardEcEEEE
Parsing failed for:' 42'
What I am puzzled by is why the last alternative is not considered valid when parsing the string with only a real number within it.
So, @Eljay's comment is right...
The issue stems from the use of >
instead of >>
to allow the failures without triggering the error handler upon failure.
So to actually succeed, we need to use >>
in these places:
const auto pure_imag_number = x3::attr(0.) >> x3::double_ >> x3::omit[x3::char_("ij")];
const auto pure_real_number = x3::double_ >> x3::attr(0.);
And only use >
when we really want to abort immediately and report an error.