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Writing an instance of Eq for Fix (Haskell)

I'm using Fix to define some datatypes for a project I'm working on. I need those datatypes to be instances of the equality typeclass Eq for unit testing. I'm stumped on how to write an instance of Eq for Fix or more specifically List defined in terms of Fix.

My Fix:

-- Fixed point of a Functor  
newtype Fix f = In (f (Fix f))                                                               
out :: Fix f -> f (Fix f)                                                                    
out (In f) = f  

My List in terms of Fix:

data ListF a r = NilF | ConsF a r 

instance Functor (ListF a) where                                                          
       fmap _ NilF = NilF                                                                
       fmap f (ConsF a r) = ConsF a (f r)                                                
type ListF' a = Fix (ListF a) 


  • @chi's answer is great but gives you a Show instance instead of an Eq instance.

    Writing an Eq instance directly for ListF' is actually pretty straightforward. You were probably just overthinking it:

    instance Eq a => Eq (ListF' a) where
      In (ConsF a as) == In (ConsF b bs) | a == b, as == bs      = True
      In NilF         == In NilF                                 = True
      In _            == In _                                    = False

    You can stop there, but if you factor out the newtype unwrapping:

    instance Eq a => Eq (ListF' a) where
      In f == In g = eqListF f g
        where eqListF (ConsF a as) (ConsF b bs) | a == b, as == bs      = True
              eqListF NilF         NilF                                 = True
              eqListF _            _                                    = False

    and turn eqListF into an instance:

    instance Eq a => Eq (ListF' a) where
      In f == In g = f == g
    instance (Eq a, Eq r) => Eq (ListF a r) where
      ConsF a as == ConsF b bs | a == b, as == bs      = True
      NilF       == NilF                               = True
      _          == _                                  = False

    it starts to become clearer how you get to a "generic" solution (for Fix f), though it's tough to figure this out unless you've already seen Eq1 somewhere.

    class Eq1 f where
      liftEq :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> (f a -> f a -> Bool)
    instance Eq1 f => Eq (Fix f) where
      In f == In g = liftEq (==) f g
    instance (Eq a) => Eq1 (ListF a) where
      liftEq (===) (ConsF a as) (ConsF b bs) | a == b, as === bs   = True
      liftEq _     NilF         NilF                               = True
      liftEq _     _            _                                  = False

    Note that the === in the third-last line is bound to the == being lifted by liftEq.

    As per @chi's answer, it's actually possible to avoid using the awkward Eq1 instance by taking advantage of the relatively new QuantifiedConstraints extension. The rewritten instances look like this, and the Eq instance for ListF is much more natural than the Eq1 instance above:

    instance (forall a. Eq a => Eq (f a)) => Eq (Fix f) where
      In f == In g = f == g
    instance (Eq a, Eq l) => Eq (ListF a l) where
      ConsF a as == ConsF b bs | a == b, as == bs   = True
      NilF       == NilF                            = True
      _          == _                               = False

    Update: And, as per @DanielWagner's comment, the compiler can do all this for you. If you derive the Eq instance for ListF in the usual manner:

    data ListF a r = NilF | ConsF a r deriving (Eq)

    then with StandaloneDeriving, the compiler will derive the Eq instance for ListF' a directly:

    {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
    deriving instance Eq a => Eq (ListF' a)

    and, what's more remarkable, it will derive the general case:

    {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
    deriving instance (Eq (f (Fix f))) => Eq (Fix f)

    without requiring any additional instances.

    Here's full code for the fully manual versions, first using the traditional Eq1 approach (and taking the class Eq1 from Data.Functor.Classes).

    {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
    import Data.Functor.Classes
    newtype Fix f = In { out :: f (Fix f) }
    data ListF a r = NilF | ConsF a r
    type ListF' a = Fix (ListF a)
    instance Eq1 f => Eq (Fix f) where
      In f == In g = liftEq (==) f g
    instance (Eq a) => Eq1 (ListF a) where
      liftEq (===) (ConsF a as) (ConsF b bs) | a == b, as === bs    = True
      liftEq _     NilF         NilF                               = True
      liftEq _     _            _                                  = False
    consF a b = In (ConsF a b)
    nilF = In NilF
    main = do
      print $ nilF == (nilF :: ListF' Char)
      print $ consF 'a' nilF == consF 'a' nilF
      print $ consF 'a' nilF == consF 'b' nilF
      print $ consF 'a' nilF == consF 'a' (consF 'b' nilF)

    then using the QuantifiedConstraints version:

    {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
    import Data.Functor.Classes
    newtype Fix f = In { out :: f (Fix f) }
    data ListF a r = NilF | ConsF a r
    type ListF' a = Fix (ListF a)
    instance (forall a. Eq a => Eq (f a)) => Eq (Fix f) where
      In f == In g = f == g
    instance (Eq a, Eq l) => Eq (ListF a l) where
      ConsF a as == ConsF b bs | a == b, as == bs   = True
      NilF       == NilF                            = True
      _          == _                               = False
    consF a b = In (ConsF a b)
    nilF = In NilF
    main = do
      print $ nilF == (nilF :: ListF' Char)
      print $ consF 'a' nilF == consF 'a' nilF
      print $ consF 'a' nilF == consF 'b' nilF
      print $ consF 'a' nilF == consF 'a' (consF 'b' nilF)

    and finally the compiler-derived version.

    {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
    import Data.Functor.Classes
    newtype Fix f = In { out :: f (Fix f) }
    data ListF a r = NilF | ConsF a r deriving (Eq)
    type ListF' a = Fix (ListF a)
    deriving instance (Eq (f (Fix f))) => Eq (Fix f)
    consF a b = In (ConsF a b)
    nilF = In NilF
    main = do
      print $ nilF == (nilF :: ListF' Char)
      print $ consF 'a' nilF == consF 'a' nilF
      print $ consF 'a' nilF == consF 'b' nilF
      print $ consF 'a' nilF == consF 'a' (consF 'b' nilF)