I have many models with several different outcomes and they all use the same independent variables.
A very basic example using the "salaries" dataset from the cars package
model1 <- glm(rank ~ discipline+sex, family='binomial', data=Salaries)
model2 <- glm(discipline ~ rank+sex, family='binomial', data=Salaries)
stargazer(model1, model2,
ci = T,
apply.coef = exp,
title = 'Binomial logistic regression',
digits = 2,
model.names = T,
font.size= "tiny",
type = 'text',
out = 'test.html')
Gives me this
Binomial logistic regression
Dependent variable:
rank discipline
logistic logistic
(1) (2)
disciplineB 0.61**
(0.06, 1.16)
rankAssocProf 0.81**
(0.11, 1.52)
rankProf 0.57**
(0.01, 1.13)
sexMale 2.14*** 1.14***
(1.38, 2.90) (0.47, 1.82)
Constant 3.36*** 1.60***
(2.59, 4.14) (0.85, 2.35)
Observations 397 397
Log Likelihood -176.86 -271.21
Akaike Inf. Crit. 359.72 550.42
Note: *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01
But I would like to be able to group the variables (and add a named reference) that are the same and also categorise them so it looks like this:
Binomial logistic regression
Dependent variable:
rank discipline
logistic logistic
(1) (2)
Occupation variables
**Discipline** (ref = A)
B 0.61**
(0.06, 1.16)
**rank** (ref = AsstProf)
AssocProf 0.81**
(0.11, 1.52)
Prof 0.57**
(0.01, 1.13)
**Sex** (ref = Female)
Male 2.14*** 1.14***
(1.38, 2.90) (0.47, 1.82)
Constant 3.36*** 1.60***
(2.59, 4.14) (0.85, 2.35)
Observations 397 397
Log Likelihood -176.86 -271.21
Akaike Inf. Crit. 359.72 550.42
Note: *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01
I don't know if you can achieve this with stargazer
, but you can do it relatively easily by using the modelsummary
package (Disclaimer: I am the author) and the kableExtra
See the documentation for how to further customize your tables: https://vincentarelbundock.github.io/modelsummary/
mod1 <- lm(mpg ~ hp + drat + factor(cyl), mtcars)
mod2 <- lm(wt ~ hp + drat + factor(cyl), mtcars)
models <- list("A" = mod1, "B" = mod2)
modelsummary(models) |>
group_rows(start_row = 1, end_row = 6, group_label = "blah") |>
group_rows(start_row = 7, end_row = 10, group_label = "cyl")