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How to fetch the events from local calendar in iOS swift

func fetchEvent()
        var store = EKEventStore()

        let calendars = store.calendars(for: .event)

        for calendar in calendars {

                let oneMonthAgo =  Date()
                let oneMonthAfter = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 30*24*3600)
                let predicate =  store.predicateForEvents(withStart: oneMonthAgo, end: oneMonthAfter, calendars: [calendar])
                let events = predicate)
                for event in events {

[I] use this code to fetch the stored events from the my local calendar. I stored many events in my local calendar but in events always it 0 element. So anyone please help me.


  • First of all, don't forget to update your Info.plist with a NSCalendarsUsageDescription by adding a new row:

    • Key: "Privacy - Calendars Usage Description"
    • Value: "Please give access" - this is up to you

    Your ViewController should look similar to this:

    import UIKit
    import EventKit
    final class ViewController: UIViewController {
        let eventStore = EKEventStore()
        var titles: [String] = []
        var startDates: [Date] = []
        var endDates: [Date] = []
        override func viewDidLoad() {
        func fetchEventsFromCalendar() -> Void {
            let status = EKEventStore.authorizationStatus(for: EKEntityType.event)
            switch status {
            case .notDetermined: requestAccessToCalendar("Calendar")
            case .authorized: fetchEventsFromCalendar("Calendar")
            case .denied: print("Access denied")
            default: break
        func requestAccessToCalendar(_ calendarTitle: String) {
            eventStore.requestAccess(to: EKEntityType.event) { (_, _) in
        func fetchEventsFromCalendar(_ calendarTitle: String) -> Void {
            for calendar in eventStore.calendars(for: .event) {
                if calendar.title == calendarTitle {
                    let oneMonthAgo = .month, value: -1, to: Date()) ?? Date()
                    let oneMonthAfter = .month, value: 1, to: Date()) ?? Date()
                    let predicate = eventStore.predicateForEvents(
                        withStart: oneMonthAgo,
                        end: oneMonthAfter,
                        calendars: [calendar]
                    let events = predicate)
                    for event in events {
                        startDates.append(event.startDate as Date)
                        endDates.append(event.endDate as Date)
            // Print the event titles so check if everything works correctly

    You'll first check from Calendar access in fetchEventsFromCalendar(), and the actual event fetching will be handled in fetchEventsFromCalendar().

    One thing: in this particular example we're looking for events one month before and one month after toady in a calendar called "Calendar". If you want to get the events for that period of time from all the calendars, you can simply remove the

                if calendar.title == calendarTitle {

    line (including the closing bracket and everything that has to do with calendarTitle). You'll have an array of all the events.