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Title font changes when tried to bold titlesec font in Latex

I want to bold the words 'Professional experience' in Latex. Using \textbf changes the font of the words which was previously there. I tried placing \textbf in multiple positions in the same line but didn't work. Here is the code and screenshot of the output. Please help.

\usepackage[a4paper,bottom = 0.6in,left = 0.6in,right = 0.6in,top = 1cm]{geometry}
% \usepackage{graphicx}

%for color
\usepackage[usenames, dvipsnames]{color}

\dimen0=#2\advance\dimen0 by #1
\leaders\hrule height \dimen0 depth -#1\hfill}

\section*{{\LARGE \color{myblue} {Professional Experience}}\xfilll[0pt]{0.5pt}}

enter image description here

After adding \textbf, I see this output with font changed.

enter image description here


  • You can use \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} to get a font which does contain bold small caps:

    \usepackage[a4paper,bottom = 0.6in,left = 0.6in,right = 0.6in,top = 1cm]{geometry}
    % \usepackage{graphicx}
    %for color
    \usepackage[usenames, dvipsnames]{color}
    \dimen0=#2\advance\dimen0 by #1
    \leaders\hrule height \dimen0 depth -#1\hfill}
    \section*{{\LARGE \color{myblue} \textbf{Professional Experience}}\xfilll[0pt]{0.5pt}}

    enter image description here