I want to get instagram user data for example follow and follows count using http request to https://graph.facebook.com/v14.0/{inst_acc_id} but i cant understand which token from graph api explorer i should use. There is lots of types and lots of permissions there. i tried different ones and all of them doesn't work for me. Or maybe there is another easier way to get instagram user data after the 2020 api change. I need a solution for my NodeJs project, but it would be great to make it work even in plain http in postman. Any advices are highly apreciated)
So after the 2020 update you don't have an easy way to get even public data from meta ( facebook and insta). To get access for their api you need to provide a lot of personal data about your business, your website and a lot of other documents for them to review your request. And if you are trying to have a simple website that shows for example your instagram followers count its a giant overkill. And no other way around.