I would like to add a column to my data frame and assign the first row value for that column a specific number...every other row would be na or 0 for the time being until changed later on.
import pandas as pd
# df['buy'] = df.iloc[0, df.columns.get_loc('buy')] = "x"
#Create new col with NAN values
df["new_col"] = np.nan #or " "
df.iloc[0, df.columns.get_loc('new_col')] = 1 #assign value to 1st row
df #print the dataframe
email Mean new_col
0 xyz@xyz.com 15 1.0
1 xyz1@xyz.com 23 NaN
2 xyz2@xyz.com 45 NaN
3 xyz3@xyz.com 23 NaN
Ref link-https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31569384/set-value-for-particular-cell-in-pandas-dataframe-with-iloc