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How to send parameters between ViewModel and ViewRepository

I'm trying to send params from my ViewModel to my ViewRepository but I don't understan how can I send some params.

For example this is my observer in my fragment:

apoyaLoginViewModel.getPostLoginApoya(tokenApoya, usuario, password).observe(getActivity(), new Observer<PostLoginApoya>() {
          public void onChanged(PostLoginApoya postLoginApoya) {
                loginApoyaModel = postLoginApoya;

I'm sending some params in this line:

getPostLoginApoya(tokenApoya, usuario, password)

And this is my ViewModel:

public class ApoyaLoginViewModel extends AndroidViewModel {

    private ApoyaLoginViewRepositori apoyaLoginViewRepositori;
    private LiveData<PostLoginApoya> postLoginApoya;

    public ApoyaLoginViewModel(Application aplication){
        apoyaLoginViewRepositori = new ApoyaLoginViewRepositori();
        postLoginApoya = apoyaLoginViewRepositori.loginApoyaUser;


    public LiveData<PostLoginApoya> getPostLoginApoya(String tokenApoya, String usuario, String password){return postLoginApoya;}


And this is a fragment of my ViewRepository:


        seccion15ServerClient = Seccion15ServerClient.getInstance();
        seccionApiService = seccion15ServerClient.getSeccionApiService();
        loginApoyaUser = getLoginUser();


    public MutableLiveData<PostLoginApoya> getLoginUser(String tokenApoya, String usuario, String password){

        if(loginApoyaUser == null){
            loginApoyaUser = new MutableLiveData<>();

But I'm getting an error in this line:

loginApoyaUser = getLoginUser();

This is because my method getLoginUser has 3 parameters but my constructor no. maybe this is not the correct way to send information between ViewModel and ViewRepository.

How can I send this params to my constructor in my ViewRepository


  • You don't have to pass any argument in getPostLoginApoya, create a separate method for that: loginApoyaUser(token, usuario, password). and call this method whenever you want to login the user, you will automatically receive an event with the logged in user.


    viewModel.getPostLoginApoya().observe(getActivity(), new Observer<PostLoginApoya>() {
        public void onChanged(PostLoginApoya postLoginApoya) {
        // do something with your user here
    //you have to call this method somewhere, when you click on a button for example.
    viewModel.loginApoyaUser(token, usuario, password);


    public class ApoyaLoginViewModel extends AndroidViewModel {
        private ApoyaLoginViewRepositori apoyaLoginViewRepositori;
        private LiveData<PostLoginApoya> postLoginApoya;
        public ApoyaLoginViewModel(@NonNull Application application) {
            apoyaLoginViewRepositori = new ApoyaLoginViewRepositori();
            postLoginApoya = apoyaLoginViewRepositori.getPostLoginApoya();
        public LiveData<PostLoginApoya> getPostLoginApoya(){
            return postLoginApoya;
        public void loginApoyaUser(String tokenApoya, String usuario, String password) {
            apoyaLoginViewRepositori.loginApoyaUser(tokenApoya, usuario, password);


    public class ApoyaLoginViewRepositori {
        private MutableLiveData<PostLoginApoya> postLoginApoyaLiveData;
        private PostLoginApoya postLoginApoya;
        public ApoyaLoginViewRepositori() {
            postLoginApoyaLiveData = new MutableLiveData<>();
        public LiveData<PostLoginApoya> getPostLoginApoya() {
            return postLoginApoyaLiveData;
        public void loginApoyaUser(String tokenApoya, String usuario, String password) {
            postLoginApoya =  //login user here
            //notify observers data has been changed