Im trying to mock a fetch request to confirm if the right actions were dispatched: the redux function:
export function loginRequest(email, password) {
return (dispatch) => {
dispatch(login(email, password))
return fetch('http://localhost:8000/login-success.json')
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((response) => dispatch(loginSuccess()))
the test:
test("API returns the right response, the store received two actions LOGIN and LOGGING_SUCCESS", () => {
const store = mockStore({})
fetchMock.get('*', {})
return store.dispatch(loginRequest('jack', 124)).then(()=>{
const actions = store.getActions()
expect(actions).toEqual([login('jack', 124), loginSuccess()])
the console.log output:
{ type: 'LOGIN', user: { email: 'jack', password: 124 } },
{ type: 'LOGIN_FAILURE' }
im expecting the second action to be LOGIN_SUCCESS action instead. it seems like the mock isnt working at all. Am i missing something here
SOLVED: in the file where i defined the loginRequest function, i was importing fetch (import fetch from 'node-fetch';
) hence calling the function in the test resulted in an actual fetch call rather than fetch-mock