Search code examples

Pymongo Not inserting full document on update_one

I have a lot of documents to update and I want to write a timestamp initially and then an update timestamp when there are duplicates. So I found this answer and am attempting it for MongoDB 6.0

I also store in my model the variable to use when looking for duplicates as searchable

If a query has no searchable then I insert it without checking and add a timestamp, then take the results and add a timestamp:

data_inserted = collection.insert_many(results)
for doc_id in data_inserted.inserted_ids:
        filter={'_id': doc_id},
        update={'$set': {'insert_date': now, }, },

No issues there:

  "_id": {
    "$oid": "321654987654"
  "IR NUMBER": "ABC784",
  "Plate": " ",
  "Plate State": " ",
  "Make": "TOYOTA",
  "Model": "TACOMA",
  "Style": "  ",
  "Color": "SIL /    ",
  "Year": "2008",
  "insert_date": {
    "$date": {
      "$numberLong": "1660000808176"

If there is a searchable I attempt to look for it. What I get in MongoDB is only the searchable field with the timestamp:

# q_statement.searchable == 'IR NUMBER'

for document in results:
        filter={q_statement.searchable: document[q_statement.searchable], },
        update={'$setOnInsert': {'insert_date': now, }, '$set': {'update_date': now, }},


  "_id": {
    "$oid": "62f19d981aa321654987"
  "IR NUMBER": "ABC784",
  "insert_date": {
    "$date": {
      "$numberLong": "1660001688126"


Looking at the pymongo.results.UpdateResult by changing the for loop contents to updates = collection.update_one( ... print(updates.raw_result) shows ~ 10k results like:

    "n": 1,
    "upserted": ObjectId("62f27ae21aa62fbfa734f01d"),
    "nModified": 0,
    "ok": 1.0,
    "updatedExisting": False
    "n": 1,
    "nModified": 0,
    "ok": 1.0,
    "updatedExisting": True
    "n": 1,
    "nModified": 0,
    "ok": 1.0,
    "updatedExisting": True

(python==3.10.3, Django==4.0.4, pymongo==4.2.0)


  • To "upsert" a full document and additional fields using python, you can use MongoDB's "$setOnInsert" with a python merged dictionary.

    From the python library docs, here's how you merge dictionaries. (It's similar to MongoDB's "$mergeObjects".)

    d | other
    Create a new dictionary with the merged keys and values of d and other,
    which must both be dictionaries. The values of other take priority
    when d and other share keys.

    So, to insert the full document, using your python code, it just needs a minor addition - merge document with your other object.

    update={'$setOnInsert': document | {'insert_date': now}, '$set': {'update_date': now, }}