I have populated Azure search data using my application and this is what is present in Search Explorer in portal.azure.com.
"@odata.context": "https://demosearch.search.windows.net/indexes('<indexname>')/$metadata#docs(*)",
"value": [
"@search.score": 1,
"id": "31",
"code": "C001105",
"title": "Demo Course Title 1",
"creator": "FILE_UPLOAD",
"events": [
"eventId": 97,
"eventStatus": "PLANNING",
"evtSession": [
"postCode": "AB10 1AB",
"townOrCity": "Aberdeen City,",
"dates": {
"from": "2022-08-11T08:00:00Z",
"to": "2022-08-11T11:00:00Z"
"@search.score": 1,
"id": "45",
"code": "C001125",
"title": "Demo Course Title 2",
"creator": "FILE_UPLOAD",
"events": [
"eventId": 98,
"eventStatus": "IN_PROGRESS",
"evtSession": [
"postCode": "BA10 0AN",
"townOrCity": "Bruton",
"dates": {
"from": "2022-08-11T08:00:00Z",
"to": "2022-08-11T09:30:00Z"
"@odata.nextLink": "https://demosearch.search.windows.net/indexes('<indexname>')/docs?api-version=2019-05-06&search=%2A&$skip=50"
I'm trying below curl to get data where ["townOrCity": "Aberdeen City,"] from Azure search.
curl --location --request POST 'https://demosearch.search.windows.net/indexes/<indexname>/docs/search?api-version=2019-05-06' \
--header 'api-key: XXXX' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"count":false,"top":0,"skip":30,"search":"*","orderby":"search.score() desc","filter":"( events/any(evt: evt/evtSession/any(session: search.in(session/townOrCity, '\''Aberdeen City,'\'', '\'','\'') ) ) )","facets":["events/evtSession/townOrCity,count:10000"],"queryType":"full","searchMode":"any"}'
but I'm not getting expected response and value is coming as empty array :
"@odata.context": "https://demosearch.search.windows.net/indexes('<indexname>')/$metadata#docs(*)",
"@search.facets": {
"events/evtSession/townOrCity": []
"value": []
Please help with the correct payload I should be using to filter out the record with "townOrCity" : "Aberdeen City," OR am I doing something wrong with indexing config or anything ?
"townOrCity" : "Aberdeen City,"
Edit 1:
NOTE: comma mentioned after Aberdeen City causes the issue. If I try same thing witout the comma everything works like a charm. But requirement is to support the comma.
$filter=( events/any(evt: evt/evtSession/any(session: search.in(session/townOrCity, 'Aberdeen City,', ',') ) ) )
there is data present in index but still its not applying filter properly, instead giving no record in response.
This works :
$filter=( events/any(evt: evt/evtSession/any(session: search.in(session/townOrCity, 'Aberdeen City,', '|') ) ) )
There are two overloads of the search.in function:
search.in(variable, valueList)
search.in(variable, valueList, delimiters)
Due to delimeters, comma inside my valueList was removed and hence actual value got changed. Apparently its an exact-match so empty response returned.