I am currently using chrome os flex as my enviroment setup in chromeosflex i installed everything related to expo project when i run any expo project it runs fine but can't open in my phone(expo go app) when i try to run project on my phone i getting error like thisthis error
the default Connection option: LAN, doesn't work for chromeOS ... To know the source of the problem .. you can read this article
you should change the default CONNECTION option to either:
Using the "Tunnel" connection type will make app reloads considerably slower than on "LAN" or "Local", so it's best to avoid tunnel when possible.
if you are using expo sdk-45 or under: you can accomplish the above from the Web UI for Expo CLI, from the left panel change the CONNECTION option
for sdk-46 or above: since the Web UI for Expo CLI is not available any more read more .. you can accomplish the above by the running npm run start:tunnel or npm run start:local after you have added the following scripts to your package.json
"scripts": {
"start:tunnel": "expo start --tunnel",
"start:local": "expo start --localhost",