I have a sklearn pipeline that uses custom column transformer, estimator and different lambda functions.
Because Pickle cannot serialize the lambda functions, I am using dill.
Here is the custom estimator I have:
class customOLS(BaseEstimator):
def __init__(self, ols):
self.estimator_ols = ols
def fit(self, X, y):
X = pd.DataFrame(X)
y = pd.DataFrame(y)
print('---- Training OLS')
self.estimator_ols = self.estimator_ols(y,X).fit()
#print('---- Training LR')
#self.estimator_lr = self.estimator_lr.fit(X,y)
return self
def get_estimators(self):
return self.estimator_ols #, self.estimator_lr
def predict_ols(self, X):
res = self.estimator_ols.predict(X)
return res
pipeline2 = Pipeline(
('dropper', drop_cols),
("preprocessor", preprocess_ppl),
("estimator", customOLS(sm.OLS))
This is how I serilize it (I have to use open() otherwise it gives unsupportedOperation read write):
with open('data/baseModel_LR.joblib',"wb") as f:
dill.dump(pipeline2, f)
But when I try to load the pickled object:
with open('data/baseModel_LR.joblib',"rb") as f:
model = dill.load(f)
I get this error related to custom estimator:
AttributeError: 'customOLS' object has no attribute 'ols'
The problem lies on these two lines:
def __init__(self, ols):
self.estimator_ols = ols
Here's an excerpt from the sklearn documentation, which explains why this won't work:
All scikit-learn estimators have
functions. Theget_params
function takes no arguments and returns a dict of the__init__
parameters of the estimator, together with their values.
So, if you have a parameter named ols
in your constructor, sklearn assumes that you have an attribute on your object, called ols
. When you call get_params()
on your object, (and repr()
does call that) then that extracts the name of each variable from the constructor.
To fix it, change the constructor to this:
def __init__(self, estimator_ols):
self.estimator_ols = estimator_ols
When I do that, I am able to save and load the pipeline.