Is it possible to save a workshared model to BIM360 as a workshared cloud model using Revit API and/or Forge API ?
I have multiple models that I wish to upload on BIM360, but from what I see the SaveAsCloudModel
method that is currently available in Revit 2021 API and described in this post only works with non-workshared models. Is there any other method ?
According to Revit API Docs, this functionality has been added in Revit 2022 API
SaveAsCloudModel() now supports save of a new Revit Cloud Worksharing central model The method:
Document.SaveAsCloudModel(Guid, Guid, String, String) has been enhanced to support upload of local workshared file into BIM 360 Design as a Revit Cloud Worksharing central model.
In addition, the exception UnauthenticatedUserException is removed from the documented exceptions for this method.
Similar question in Autodesk forum: Initiate cloud collaboration for a workshared model