Is there something that returns a reference to the object that called the function?
For example, I have..
public function getSquadLocation(squadID:int):Location {
This gets called from other classes - for example:
where selectedSquad is a variable of the class that calls the function. I've being repeating this many times, would it be possible to specify the default value as something like...
public function getSquadLocation(squadID:int = arguments.caller.selectedSquad){
No, you can't access the "caller" 'implicitly'. Quoting the relevant page from the ActionScript 3 documentation by Adobe:
Unlike previous versions of ActionScript, ActionScript 3.0 has no arguments.caller property. To get a reference to the function that called the current function, you must pass a reference to that function as an argument.
What you can do, and it would arguably be a "less volatile" alternative, is to simply pass the "caller" to a method as an argument, i.e. explicitly. There are many advantages to this approach, as you may discover in the long run:
Porting the code to other platforms where function caller information is not exposed, is less troublesome.
Passing required caller information explicitly as function arguments (on the stack) may yield more performance.
Passing caller information explicitly to a function reads better as the dependency of the implementation on the caller is made explicit, assisting in readability and understanding of the code.