I am trying to define a setting page that includes a PasswordBox element. When I Rebuild the app, the defined Text resources do not show properly. However, if I remove the:
definition (see below) then it Rebuilds the view OK. If I try to initialize the view with the resource link defined then I get the error below. It appears as if a Text property for the PasswordBox ... but it does not have this property. Very confused!
|Name | Value |
|db_pwd.Header |Password (default password)|
|db_pwd.PlaceholderText |Enter your password |
|db_pwd.Text |Password (default pwd) |
<PasswordBox x:Name="dbpwd" Width="300" x:Uid="/resources/db_pwd"
Header="Database Password"
PlaceholderText="Enter password"
HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="40,5,0,0" />
Message=The text associated with this error code could not be found.
Unable to resolve property 'Text' while processing properties for Uid '/sql/db_pwd'. [Line: 38 Position: 68]
at Windows.UI.Xaml.Application.LoadComponent(Object component, Uri resourceLocator, ComponentResourceLocation componentResourceLocation)
at WeeWX.Views.SettingsPage.InitializeComponent() in D:\Dave\Documents\Visual Studio\WeeWX\obj\x86\Debug\Views\SettingsPage.g.i.cs:line 49
at WeeWX.Views.SettingsPage..ctor() in D:\Dave\Documents\Visual Studio\WeeWX\Views\SettingsPage.xaml.cs:line 49
at WeeWX.Views.MainPage.SetSettings(Object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e) in D:\Dave\Documents\Visual Studio\WeeWX\Views\MainPage.xaml.cs:line 350
This exception was originally thrown at this call stack:
[External Code]
WeeWX.Views.SettingsPage.SettingsPage() in SettingsPage.xaml.cs
WeeWX.Views.MainPage.SetSettings(object, Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.TappedRoutedEventArgs) in MainPage.xaml.cs
Finally fixed this issue, but the scenario is important:
, which I then changed to PasswordBox
property (of the TextBox
I assume vs the PasswordBox.Content
property), therefore I thought there must be some caching going on.db_pwd
resources and reference to db_pswd
, deleted db_pwd.Text
, rebuilt the solution and ... success!Not sure exactly what steps are required to fix this sort of issue, but the bottom line is that VS has some really dumb (overly optimistic) caching going on! Comments or advice?
PS: Now have a similar issue after changing a TextBox
to HyperlinkButton
. Fixed through a similar process (step #5)!