It is possible to print to several hundred decimal places a square root in bc
, as it is in C. However in C it is only accurate to 15. I have checked the square root of 2 to 50 decimal places and it is accurate but what is the limit in bc
? I can't find any reference to this.
To how many decimal places is bc accurate?
is an arbitrary precision calculator. Arbitrary precision just tells us how many digits it can represent (as many as will fit in memory), but doesn't tell us anything about accuracy.
However in C it is only accurate to 15
C uses your processor's built-in floating point hardware. This is fast, but has a fixed number of bits to represent each number, so is obviously fixed rather than arbitrary precision.
Any arbitrary precision system will have more ... precision than this, but could of course still be inaccurate. Knowing how many digits can be stored doesn't tell us whether they're correct.
However, the GNU implementation of bc
is open source, so we can just see what it does.
The bc_sqrt
function uses an iterative approximation (Newton's method, although the same technique was apparently known by the Babylonians in at least 1,000BC).
This approximation is just run, improving each time, until two consecutive guesses differ by less than the precision requested. That is, if you ask for 1,000 digits, it'll keep going until the difference is at most in the 1,001st digit.
The only exception is when you ask for an N-digit result and the original number has more than N digits. It'll use the larger of the two as its target precision.
Since the convergence rate of this algorithm is faster than one digit per iteration, there seems little risk of two consecutive iterations agreeing to some N digits without also being correct to N digits.