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Batch - Rename subfolder

I'm trying to create a Batch to rename all the subfolders that have "_" in the name. This works but only for folders under the TEST path.

How can I go to subfolders too?

Example C:\TEST\name_TMP the result is C:\TEST\name

Instead with C:\TEST\name\name_TMP the script doesn't work

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "SourceDir=C:\TEST\"
FOR /d %%i IN ("%SourceDir%\*") DO (
   set "FolderName=%%~nxi"
   if "!FolderName:~-4,1!"=="_" REN "%%~i" "!FolderName:~0,-4!"

Maybe, if possible, find and remove only the _TMP part


  • This one works

    cd /d e:\ && FOR /F "tokens=1* delims=_" %a in ('dir /ad /on /b /s *_TMP* |find /i "_TMP" |sort /r') do ren "%a_%b" "%~nxa"