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Is there a way to get function name inside a C++ function?

I want to implement a function tracer, which would trace how much time a function is taking to execute. I have following class for the same:-

class FuncTracer
        FuncTracer(LPCTSTR strFuncName_in)
            m_strFuncName[0] = _T('\0');
            if( strFuncName_in ||
                _T('\0') != strFuncName_in[0])

                TCHAR strLog[MAX_PATH];
                _stprintf(strLog,_T("Entering Func:- <%s>"),m_strFuncName);

                m_dwEnterTime = GetTickCount();

            TCHAR strLog[MAX_PATH];
            _stprintf(strLog,_T("Leaving Func:- <%s>, Time inside the func <%d> ms"),m_strFuncName, GetTickCount()-m_dwEnterTime);

        TCHAR m_strFuncName[MAX_PATH];
        DWORD m_dwEnterTime;

void TestClass::TestFunction()
    // I want to avoid writing the function name maually..
    // Is there any macro (__LINE__)or some other way to 
    // get the function name inside a function ??

     * Rest of the function code.

I want to know if there is any way to get the name of the function from inside of a function? Basically I want the users of my class to simply create an object the same. They may not pass the function name.


  • VC++ has

    __FUNCTION__ for undecorated names


    __FUNCDNAME__ for decorated names

    And you can write a macro that will itself allocate an object and pass the name-yelding macro inside the constructor. Smth like

    #define ALLOC_LOGGER FuncTracer ____tracer( __FUNCTION__ );