I'm doing a project and I need to remove some specific text from a string . For example, from these strings I would like to remove the numbers in the end (_230; _0 ; _240) until the '__' .
'KSS_10292_TRIPLEBAND_230' , 'ATR451606_0', 'K_80010510V01_240'
I'm using python and these strings are in a Excel column named 'AntennaReference'.
You can use rsplit
function which returns a list of the words in the string, using sep as the delimiter string.(More here)
Complete code looks like this:
test_string = "KSS_10292_TRIPLEBAND_230"
splited_list = test_string.rsplit("_", 1) # ['KSS_10292_TRIPLEBAND', '230']
splited_string = splited_list[0] # KSS_10292_TRIPLEBAND
Or in one line:
"KSS_10292_TRIPLEBAND_230".rsplit("_", 1)[0]