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How to check if the value is existing in DB

How do I check if the value that I want to insert is existing in database or not

Let say I have

type studentRepository struct {
    db *gorm.DB

type Student struct {
    Name string     `json:"name"`
    Age int         `json:"age"`

func(s student) CreateStudent(v Student) (*Student, error) {
    db := p.db.Create(&v)
    return &v, db.Error

I want to create new student but cannot have the same name with other students. How can I check if the name that I want to insert is not existing in the db?

StudentList = {Messi, Ronaldo, Tevez}
WantToInsert = {Ronaldo}
Result = Cannot happened because Ronaldo is existing on the list


  • you can prevent inputting the same value by creating "unique" constraint in your SQL database , Gorm allows that adding unique keyword to your struct:

    type Student struct {
        Name string     `json:"name" gorm:"unique"`
        Age int         `json:"age"`

    you can refer to Gorm's documentation for more details: Gorm indexing documentation

    you can also catch duplicate error for logging purposes the implementation differs depending on the database you're using, this example works in the case of using Postgresql:

    err := db.Create(student).Error
    if err != nil {
        var pgErr *pgconn.PgError
        if errors.As(err, &pgErr) && (pgErr.Code == "23505") {
            // handle error here