I have a .gitlab-ci.yaml like this:
- build
- deploy
- docker login ...
stage: build
- dind
- docker pull $CONTAINER_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME || true
- docker build ...
image: 'google/cloud-sdk:latest'
stage: deploy
- dind
when: manual
- echo "$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DEV_KEY" > key.json
- gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=key.json
- docker login -u _json_key --password-stdin https://gcr.io < key.json
- docker pull xxx:git-$CI_COMMIT_SHA
- docker tag xxx:git-$CI_COMMIT_SHA xxx:git-$CI_COMMIT_SHA
- docker push xxx
My problem is that since .gitlab-ci.yaml lives in the same branch as the software it implies that if I need to update the deployment script I have to recompile the software for that. And also the hash of the build changes needlessly.
I'd like to have my code in the master branch and changes should retrigger a build. I would like to have the deployment scripts versioned in the deployment-scripts branch on the same repository.
And if the deployment-script fails I want to be able to fix it without having to touch the other code.
- docker login ...
- git checkout deployment-scripts
The problem with this solution is that in the .gitlab-ci.yaml there can be only one before_script for all stages and for the build stage I want the 'master' branch and for the 'manual-deploy-dev' I want the deployment-scripts.
This can't work.
Michael Delgado proposed to use https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/pipelines/multi_project_pipelines.html
But there is a limitation in GL discussed in https://forum.gitlab.com/t/downstream-pipeline-trigger-definition-is-invalid/52356/5 which implies that you need to use two different projects for it to work. In my setup I want to have two different branches.
This can't work with just one GL project.
Going with this proposal could easily mean that I would have to have around 6 or 8 more projects for all our different deployment targets in different projects.
This probably works but I'd rather try to avoid that.
First I created a read only 'developer' token and for testing hardcoded it into the request. Later I put that token into the environment variables.
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: xxx" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/567/repository/files/upload_google.sh/raw?ref=deployment-scripts" -o upload_google.sh
Turns out, this is actually the easiest way to do it ATM.
I use a PRIVATE-TOKEN with the get-raw-file-from-repository method.
I use a PRIVATE-TOKEN with the get-raw-file-from-repository method as outlined in the Solution section of the question.
- 'curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $READ_ONLY_CI_GOOGLE_UPLOAD_SCRIPT" "https://gitlab.xxx.com/api/v4/projects/$CI_PROJECT_ID/repository/files/upload_google.sh/raw?ref=deployment-scripts" -o upload_google.sh'
Also notice the $CI_PROJECT_ID usage.