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Get last 7 days data from today 7am to last 7 days 7am

I have a query that currently can view the timestamp between yesterday 7am and today 7am data. How do I extract the timestamp of last 7 day timestamp. For example, if today is 10th August 2022, I would like to see the data of 3rd August 7am to 10th August 7am data. This is my current SQL query:

  select TOP (10000000) id, PartNum, TimeStamp,Station
  from test_module
  where TimeStamp >= '2022-07-16 07:00:00' 
  and Timestamp <= '2022-07-17 07:00:00'
  order by TimeStamp asc


  •  Timestamp >= dateadd(hour, 7, dateadd(day, -7, convert(datetime, 
     convert(date, getdate()))))
     and Timestamp <= dateadd(hour, 7, convert(datetime, convert(date, 