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How to remove some filenames from the list of all filenames in that folder

I created in Stata a list of all files in a folder with the following:

global file_all : dir "$outputsFolder" files "*.dta"

However, I want to remove two files from this list. I wish to create another list of files so that I can remove all the files in this new list from the file_all. I had try the following, but with no success:

global file_remove:  `"${outputsFolder}\dataset1.dta"' `"${outputsFolder}\dataset2.dta"' 

And I also don't know how to create the set difference between those two lists.


  • . global set A B C D E
    . global subset D E
    . global diff : list global set - global subset
    . di "$diff"
    A B C

    I read the documentation at help macrolists to imply that you need extra parentheses. Nevertheless the above works.