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How to get prior close when you have all stocks in a single DF?

Sorry for the noob question. I have a bunch of stocks in a sqlite3 database:

import pandas as pd
import sqlite3, config

connection = sqlite3.connect(config.db_file)
connection.row_factory = sqlite3.Row

df = pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM stock_price', connection)

# sort the dataframe
df.sort_values(by='stock_id', inplace=True)

# # set the index to be this and don't drop
df.set_index(keys=['stock_id'], drop=False,inplace=True)

When I print the df, it gives me the following (where each stock_id refers to a unique stock, e.g APPL):

           id  stock_id        date    open     high     low    close   volume
1           1         1  2022-08-02    9.83    9.845    9.83    9.830   584772
1           2         1  2022-08-03    9.84    9.860    9.84    9.820     7711
4           3         4  2022-08-03   10.38   10.380   10.38   10.380      199
5          46         5  2022-08-03   34.75   35.200   34.75   35.200     1007
5          45         5  2022-08-02   34.32   34.550   34.32   34.442     1252
...       ...       ...         ...     ...      ...     ...      ...      ...
98          8        98  2022-08-02   28.00   28.095   27.90   28.000     2417
99         71        99  2022-08-02   88.19   88.940   87.15   88.370  1045596
99         72        99  2022-08-03   88.34   88.550   87.65   88.410   982710
100       171       100  2022-08-02  117.58  120.010  117.08  119.270    67795
100       172       100  2022-08-03  119.80  121.940  120.60  121.440     4237

[178 rows x 8 columns]

I need to target each unique stock_id individually, and get the prior close.

I know if each stock was in its own separate dataframe, I could do something like this:

final_df['previous close'] = final_df['c'].shift()

But when I've tried that, because everything in one dataframe, then you get one stock getting the previous close of an entirely different stock, which isn't what I want.

So my question:

What's the best to achieve splitting out all these different stocks from one single dataframe and being able to target them individually, and get the previous close price of each stock?


  • If I understand the question correctly, you just want the close of the previous row within each stock group. You can do that easily:

    newdf = df.assign(prev_close=df.groupby(level=0)['close'].shift())

    or, before setting the index to stock_id:

    newdf = df.assign(prev_close=df.groupby('stock_id')['close'].shift())

    On your data sample:

    >>> newdf
              id   stock_id date         open    high     low     close    volume   prev_close
    1           1    1       2022-08-02    9.83    9.845    9.83    9.830   584772     NaN    
    1           2    1       2022-08-03    9.84    9.860    9.84    9.820     7711    9.83    
    4           3    4       2022-08-03   10.38   10.380   10.38   10.380      199     NaN    
    5          46    5       2022-08-03   34.75   35.200   34.75   35.200     1007     NaN    
    5          45    5       2022-08-02   34.32   34.550   34.32   34.442     1252   35.20    
    98          8   98       2022-08-02   28.00   28.095   27.90   28.000     2417     NaN    
    99         71   99       2022-08-02   88.19   88.940   87.15   88.370  1045596     NaN    
    99         72   99       2022-08-03   88.34   88.550   87.65   88.410   982710   88.37    
    100       171  100       2022-08-02  117.58  120.010  117.08  119.270    67795     NaN    
    100       172  100       2022-08-03  119.80  121.940  120.60  121.440     4237  119.27

    Side note: try to not use inplace=True all over the place. It will cause you trouble in the long run (see e.g. here).

    Personally, I would prefer this format:

    cleandf = df.assign(
    ).set_index(['stock_id', 'date']).sort_index()
    newdf = cleandf.assign(prev_close=cleandf.groupby('stock_id')['close'].shift())
    >>> newdf
                         id   open    high     low     close    volume   prev_close
    stock_id date                                                                  
    1        2022-08-02    1    9.83    9.845    9.83    9.830   584772      NaN   
             2022-08-03    2    9.84    9.860    9.84    9.820     7711    9.830   
    4        2022-08-03    3   10.38   10.380   10.38   10.380      199      NaN   
    5        2022-08-02   45   34.32   34.550   34.32   34.442     1252      NaN   
             2022-08-03   46   34.75   35.200   34.75   35.200     1007   34.442   
    98       2022-08-02    8   28.00   28.095   27.90   28.000     2417      NaN   
    99       2022-08-02   71   88.19   88.940   87.15   88.370  1045596      NaN   
             2022-08-03   72   88.34   88.550   87.65   88.410   982710   88.370   
    100      2022-08-02  171  117.58  120.010  117.08  119.270    67795      NaN   
             2022-08-03  172  119.80  121.940  120.60  121.440     4237  119.270