In a CUDA C++ code, I am using thrust::copy_if
to copy those integer values that are not -1 from the array x to y:
thrust::copy_if(x_ptr, x_ptr + N, y_ptr, is_not_minus_one());
I put the code in a try/catch and I update the array x regularly, and again push numbers that are not -1 to the end of the y until it accessed to the out of the array and returns
CUDA Runtime Error: an illegal memory access was encountered
As I don't know how many values are not -1 in each iteration, I should keep generating and copying numbers in the main array until it becomes full. However, I wanna it to stop once it reaches the end of the array. How can I manage it?
A naive idea would be using another array and then copying if the number of new values does not exceed the size. but it might be inefficient. Any better idea?
Here is one possible method:
use remove_if() instead, (with the opposite condition - remove if -1) on x
. Then use (x
start and) the returned iterator to copy to your final array (y
). Every time you do a copy to y
, you will know how much space is left in y
, and you can adjust the copy quantity if needed, before doing the copy.
Example (removing 1 values):
$ cat
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/host_vector.h>
#include <thrust/complex.h>
#include <thrust/transform.h>
#include <thrust/copy.h>
#include <thrust/functional.h>
#include <iostream>
using mt = int;
using namespace thrust::placeholders;
int main(){
thrust::device_vector<mt> a(5);
thrust::device_vector<mt> c(25);
bool done = false;
int empty_spaces = c.size();
int copy_start_index = 0;
while (!done){
thrust::sequence(a.begin(), a.end());
int num_to_copy = (thrust::remove_if(a.begin(), a.end(), _1 == 1) - a.begin());
int actual_num_to_copy = std::min(num_to_copy, empty_spaces);
if (actual_num_to_copy != num_to_copy) done = true;
thrust::copy_n(a.begin(), actual_num_to_copy, c.begin()+copy_start_index);
copy_start_index += actual_num_to_copy;
empty_spaces -= actual_num_to_copy;
std::cout << "output array is full!" << std::endl;
thrust::host_vector<mt> h_c = c;
thrust::copy(h_c.begin(), h_c.end(), std::ostream_iterator<mt>(std::cout, ","));
std::cout << std::endl;
$ nvcc -o t2088
$ compute-sanitizer ./t2088
output array is full!
========= ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors