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Rspec-Rails: How to create an active record collection with a faker factory?

I am trying to learn Rspec and I fail with testing a view that is expecting an Active Record collection (a simple index view). I need a variable @books (which would usually contain Book.all), which shall be created with factory bot and faker.

This here doesn't seem to work - as this doesn't give back an Active Record collection, but rather a normal array of objects.

@books = { create(:random_book) }

My Faker factory setup for :random_book:

FactoryBot.define do
  factory :random_book, class: Book do
    title { Faker::Book.title }
    year { Random.rand(1920..2020) }
    rating { Random.rand(0..5) }
    condition { Random.rand(0..5) }
    association :book_format, factory: :not_defined

Thanks for any help. I did read the "view spec" part of the RSpec doc but I don't get what they are doing there - the code that is there ALSO seems to create a simple array?


  • Yes, you are creating an array. If you want an ActiveRecord collection, then something like this might work:

    3.times{ FactoryBot.create(:random_book) }
    @books = Book.all