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Pandas - explode a column and set a specific value to a column for replicated rows

I would like to explode a column Col1 of a dataframe and for all the replicated rows, set a specific value z for a given column Col2.

For example if my dataframe df is:

Col1 Col2 Col3
[A,B,C] x y

I would like to find a way using df.explode("Col1") and achieve:

Col1 Col2 Col3
A x y
B z y
C z y

Thank you for any idea.


  • You can try

    out = (df.explode('Col1')
           .apply(lambda g: g.assign(Col2=[g['Col2'].iloc[0]]+['z']*(len(g)-1)))  # keep first row of Col2 and replace rest with z
      Col1 Col2 Col3
    0    A    x    y
    1    B    z    y
    2    C    z    y