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Handling escape characters on custom language

I'm working on a new feature for a C# application that will process a text given by the user. This text can contain any character, but everything that is between braces ({}) or between brackets ([]) will be treated on a special way (basically, the text inside brackets will be replaced for another text, and the braces will indicate a subsection in the given text and will be processed differently).

So, I want to give the user the choice to use braces and brackets on his text, so the first thing I thought was to use "{{" to represent "{", and the same for all other special characters, but this will give problems. If he wants to open a subsection and wants the first character in the subsection to be "{", then he would write "{{{", but that's the same thing he would write if he would like the character before the subsection to be "{". So this causes an ambiguity.

Now I'm thinking I could use "\" to escape braces and brackets, and use "\\" to represent "\". And I'm kinda figuring out how to process this, but I got a feeling I'm trying to reinvent the wheel here. Wonder if there is a known algorithm or library that does what I'm trying to do.


  • Why don't you use XML tags instead of special characters?

    Blah blah blah blah <replace id="some identifier" />

    This approach would let you parse your text using any XML parser in Microsoft .NET and any other platform. And you'll save time because there's nothing to escape.