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Execute a method if stream has the right value in it | Flutter | RxDart

Let us say that I have a stream (A) that could either get : SuccessModel or the FailureModel.

  • I subscribe to this stream A using a StreamBuilder and well, I just want to route to the next page if this stream contains SuccessModel and stay at the same page if it contains the FailureModel.
  • Now, since this is a StreamBuilder it always expects me to return a Widget but in this case I might want to just use Navigator to route to the next page.

Considering the above scenario, how should I go about it?

Should I just return an empty container and probably Future.delayed into the next page (upon success) or is there a method that I could use on my stream A so that I define a function or listener inside of my bloc class and it executes the right set of functions (routes) based upon the value that stream gets..

Any help would be appreciated!


  • So you have a stream and you want your UI to redirect to the right Route, depending on stream's value.

    If you're using a Router 1.0, just listen to stream inside your widget and there decide whether to push a route or not.

    Or, if you're using a Router 2.0, and maybe with GoRouter you can listen to that stream directly in your ChangeNotifier class, so that you redirect your user based on stream's value.