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Validating old method in control does not work correctly with empty value

In laravel 9, breeze form I use old method in controls like :

<x-input id="text" type="text" name="text" value="{{old('text') ? old('text') : $subscription->text }}" />
<input type="checkbox" @if (old('published') ? old('published') : $subscription->published) checked @endif

But it does not work correctly in case when in text input I leave empty text and I leave published field unchecked :

text input shows $subscription->text(If it had some content from db) and published checkbox is checked (If ($subscription->published) was checked priorly from db)

How can it be fixed ?



  • The checkbox works differently then other inputs.

    If checkbox is unchecked, it always get null in old('published').

    Now to fix that, we need 2 condition.

        $checked = '';
        if (count($errors)) {
            $checked = old('published') ? "checked=''" : '';
        } elseif ($subscription->published) {
            $checked = "checked=''";
    <input type="checkbox" {{ $checked }} .../>

    First condition will check, is there any errors. If yes, then it will alway get value from old('published').