I've got a big dataframe which shows the amount of each product and their costs for different products. However, I want to transform (unpivot) the dataframe into a long dataframe with each product name as an ID and their amounts and costs in two different columns. I've tried the pd.melt
and ireshape functions, but neither seems to work.
Here is an example of what I am trying to do. Here is my table
df = pd.DataFrame({ 'Year': [year1, year2,year3],
'A': [200,300,400],
'B': [500,600,300],
'C': [450,369,235],
'A cost': [7000, 4000, 7000 ],
'B cost': [9000, 4000, 6000],
'C cost': [1100, 4300, 2320],
current data frame:
Desired data frame:
Create MultiIndex by splitting columnsnames and setting Year
to index
, then replace missing values with amount
and reshape by DataFrame.stack
df = pd.DataFrame({ 'Year': 'year1,year2,year3'.split(','),
'A': [200,300,400],
'B': [500,600,300],
'C': [450,369,235],
'A cost': [7000, 4000, 7000 ],
'B cost': [9000, 4000, 6000],
'C cost': [1100, 4300, 2320],
df1 = df.set_index('Year')
df1.columns = df1.columns.str.split(expand=True)
f = lambda x: 'amount' if pd.isna(x) else x
df1 = df1.rename(columns=f).stack(0).rename_axis(['Year','product']).reset_index()
print (df1)
Year product amount cost
0 year1 A 200 7000
1 year1 B 500 9000
2 year1 C 450 1100
3 year2 A 300 4000
4 year2 B 600 4000
5 year2 C 369 4300
6 year3 A 400 7000
7 year3 B 300 6000
8 year3 C 235 2320