I would like to convert several TIFF files with 32-bit pixel depth into 8-bit pixel depth TIFFs while retaining metadata and TIFF tags.
The 32-bit TIFFs are four-dimensional ImageJ-hyperstacks with TZYX axes (i.e. time, z-depth, y-coordinate, x-coordinate) and values in the range of [0, 1].
I can convert to 8-bit and copy over the metadata (using a very small sample image created in ImageJ):
import numpy as np
import tifffile
infile32 = "test.tif"
with tifffile.TiffFile(infile32) as tif:
imagej_metadata = tif.imagej_metadata
a = tifffile.imread(infile32)
a = np.round(255 * a)
a = a.astype(np.uint8)
tifffile.imwrite("test_py-8bit.tif", a, imagej=True, metadata = imagej_metadata)
>>> (4, 3, 10, 11)
However, the pixel resolution (how many micrometers are in 1 pixel) is wrong, the "z" axis (a.shape[1]
) is wrongly recognized as color channel, and the "time" axis (a.shape[0]
) is wrongly recognized as z.
If I do this process manually in ImageJ, this problem does not occur, so I suspect the TIFF tags are necessary. I'd like a programmatic way to do it, so I can run the script on a cluster over hundreds of files.
Looking at the documentation of tifffile, I know it's possible to also extract tags:
with tifffile.TiffFile(infile32) as tif:
for page in tif.pages:
for tag in page.tags:
tag_name, tag_value = tag.name, tag.value
But how can I pass these tags to tifffile.imwrite
Copy the resolution
and resolutionunit
properties and add the axes order of the image array to the imagej_metadata
import numpy
import tifffile
with tifffile.TiffFile('imagej_float32.tif') as tif:
data = tif.asarray()
imagej_metadata = tif.imagej_metadata
imagej_metadata['axes'] = tif.series[0].axes
resolution = tif.pages[0].resolution
resolutionunit = tif.pages[0].resolutionunit
del imagej_metadata['hyperstack']
imagej_metadata['min'] = 0
imagej_metadata['max'] = 255
numpy.round(255 * data).astype(numpy.uint8),